50 grams / 100 grams in Aluminium Pouches.
60(500 mg) capsules / 100(500 mg) Capsules / 120(500 mg) Capsules in HDPE bottle.
120(500 mg) Tablets in HDPE bottle
Analgesic – Noni has the nicknames of “The Tree For Headaches” or "The Painkiller Tree”. Studies have shown that noni reduced pain comparable to the drugs and hydrocortisone, making it effective for arthritic and other joint pains.
Immune system booster – Noni activates macrophages and strengthens the immune system, which then produces more lymphocytes. It also contains antibacterial agents that fight infectious bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
Antidepressant – Noni stimulates seratonin and melatonin, two very important hormones. Seratonin affects mood, emotions, and sleep imbalance in levels of serotonin may contribute to depression. Melatonin regulates the Circadian rhythm, which helps you sleep keeping this regular will help you get a good night’s rest.
Skincare/hair – Noni’s properties are useful on skin and scalp conditions, such as eczema and ringworm also rubbed on scalp for lustrous hair and will keep your skin young. Just rub some juice on affected skin/scalp, leave on for 15 minutes, rinse off.
Anti-cancer – Noni stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is an extremely useful substance, one that is at the base of many of noni’s benefits. In this case, it reduces tumor growth and helps your body fight against the cancerous replication of cells. It also contains an immunomodulatory polysaccharide rich substance known as noni-ppt that further fights cancer. The immune boosting properties I mentioned in an above section are also a great help. One more thing that’s important are the amount of phytochemicals in noni that fight cancer. Phytochemicals are found in vegetables and herbs, if eaten regularly will build up preventive amounts. In the case of cancer already being present, noni and other plants with high amonts will slow, stop, or totally reverse the cancer process.
Hypertension – Noni is high in phytonutrients, selenium, and vitamin C, which fights free radical damage on blood vessel walls scopoletin a compound that may lower blood pressure it is alkaline, which keeps bodily fluids from becoming too acidic, therefore hurting free radicals. It also has proxeronine, which is needed for the body to produce xeronine. Xeronine helps coordinate the cells to work harmonious, lowering stress and in turn blood pressure. Also has the amino acid, tryptophan.
Cholesterol – Noni prevents the absorption of LDL cholesterol, thus reducing plaque in arteries.
Memory – Noni, as mentioned before, prevents absorption of cholesterol by way of its large amount of phytosterols. This directly helps your brain stay healthier, and plaque does not build up in arteries feeding the brain.
Constipation – Noni is high in soluble fiber, which helps ease the strain on your intestines and softens stool. Also has necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your intestines healthy.
Antibacterial/antifungal/antiviral – Noni contains anthraquinones, scopoletin, and terpenes, among others all work together to fight diseases.
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